106 Aria Zoner The Whole Food Hiker
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Aria Zoner is known for creating a couple of hiking routes- the Hot Springs Trail and the Siskiyou Peaks Trail. His website, www.wholefoodhiker.com, is the home base for checking out the trails and youtube videos about his whole food ways.
We talk extensively about who he is and how he grew into a thru hiker. We also talk a lot about his Whole Food Hiker style. His book The Adventure Catalogue, is a great spot to hear his trail musings.
Zoner will be on in two future episodes where we will talk specifically about his two routes.
Check out our bonus show where we discussed his nature raps- northcascadehiker.com/cascade-hiker-podcast/bonus-14
Facebook- facebook.com/thehotspringstrail/
InstaGram- instagram.com/ariazoner/
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Check out Whiskey Fever: https://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyfever The song used in the intro is 'Tall Grass' from their album Gonna Wake Up This Whole Town.
REI: https://www.rei.com/?cm_mmc=aff_AL-_-156474-_-195158-_-103473&avad=195158_cfd055bd
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/?&tag=caschike-20&camp=216797&creative=493977&linkCode=ur1&adid=0MGT9CD53WB7FW23K97M&
My Trail Company (GoLite): https://mytrailco.com/collections/direct-down?avad=195158_cfd05595&utm_medium=aff&utm_source=156474