051 The 4 Corners Hike with Eli Smith

051 The 4 Corners Hike with Eli Smith

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Eli Smith started his journey in Florida, skipping Key West where his ambitious plan will end after walking to the other three corners of the continental United States. His plan is to reach as any people that he can and spread the awareness for PTSD. His fellow veterans, including some very close to him, have ended their lives because of this mental issue.

He keeps his exact location a bit private because of an attempted abduction in Texas (which he explains in the interview) and he talks about all of the wonderful people he has encountered. Many have provided meals and a place to either put up his tent or a bed to use for the night. "I look for houses that have an American Flag on them and I tell them my story... They usually let me in for dinner even though I ask to just use a spot in their yard for my tent!"

He has not yet conquered his first "corner", though he is making his way toward San Diego where he plans to get all the way down to the most southwestern location and then head north to Washington State. He knows this will be a long hike, but the amount of media, colleges and military connections he has already made are making it well worth while.

His original plan was to connect as many of our National Scenic Trails on his way around, but as he explains, "I just wouldn't be able to reach enough people from the middle of the mountain on the say the Pacific Crest Trail. I want to go to as many towns as I can."

To check out his pictures and progress visit: http://4cornershike.org

Also, check out his Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/4CornersHike


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Check out Whiskey Fever: https://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyfever The song used in the intro is 'Tall Grass' from their album Gonna Wake Up This Whole Town.

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