005 Jessi Loerch Outdoor Writer

005 Jessi Loerch Outdoor Writer

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Everett Herald Outdoor writer and subsequently an avid hiker, she writes stories about her adventures and finds unique stories in Washington's Snohomish County and beyond. If you live in her papers area, you most likely have read some of her work.

She tells about hiking with her daughter and husband on many day hikes and some backpacking trips including: The Tetons, Wonderland Trail, The Enchantments and sections of the Pacific Crest Trail. 


Here are some of the articles we talk about in the episode:

Personal Locator Beacon story: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20141102/LIVING/141109971

Turns All Year: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20150830/BLOG49/150839978

My PCT hike this summer: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20150927/BLOG49/150929217

Heather Anderson story: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20151125/BLOG49/151129499

My blog at HeraldNet: http://www.heraldnet.com/section/BLOG49

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Husbands Sleeping Pad- Exped long/wide

Her hiking skirt- Purple Rain

Go check out her sites after you listen to the episode. And don't forget to shop our Cascade Hiker Hats and Bumper Stickers!


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Check out Whiskey Fever: https://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyfever The song used in the intro is 'Tall Grass' from their albumn Wake Up This Whole Town.

If you would like to donate to the Cascade Hiker Podcast; click through the Paypal link and show your love for this free show.

006 Lee Jacobson WH&C

006 Lee Jacobson WH&C

004 Don Sanderson

004 Don Sanderson